What's Your Fit? 30 Ft. Tiny Homes Done 5 Ways
May 18, 2022
How many different ways can you actually build a 30 ft. long tiny home? We have some great new plans with even better options coming up during the 2021 build season.
Find your fit! Which one would be for you?
Full standing room in the bedroom.
No crawling or climbing in and out of bed.
Better options for those with bad back or knees
Loft can be used as secondary space vs. primary.
Good options for people who spend a lot of time in their room or bedroom.
Easier to achieve more privacy.
Great for infants & toddlers.
Loose space for living on the main
More room separation can make the home feel smaller.
The Resilience
The Margo
A great view from the top and a true tiny home experience.
Allows more living space on the main floor.
Creates a more open feeling in the home.
Great for people who spend little time in the bedroom.
Creates cozy sleeping spaces.
Stair options allow for extra storage.
Limited headroom and lower ceiling.
Climbing or crawling into bed.
The Ruby
The Luci
Going tiny is about more than living in a small space. The right tiny home will meet living needs, encourage new habits and allow space for the old living patterns that we want to keep. With these plans, tweaks and personalizations can be added to ensure a functional living experience now and long into the future.
Talk to our team to see if one of these plans or one of our numerous other Teacup homes might be right for you!