Why Teacup Tiny Cottages Are Your Answer to Attainable Vacations
May 18, 2022
Tiny Cottage Vacations
Easier said than done, right? We know the past few years have been challenging, but here at Teacup, we believe that with challenge comes the opportunity to reinvent how we do things- and we have! In fact, we’re brimming with more inspiration than ever before.
Our inspiration takes many forms. However, one piece that keeps coming back to us is the importance of taking time away to reconnect with our most authentic lives. Somewhere along the line, ‘hustle culture’ became a staple of our society, and our team at Teacup Tiny Homes is dedicated to shifting this narrative to help you slow down. Remember vacations? We’d like to see you enjoy those again! This time, however, we’d like things to be a little more peaceful.
If you’re like most people, your vacations of the past have probably included hotels, restaurants, and airports. Oh, and the chaos associated with those things! If you were in a new area, there might have been transportation, directions, or customs to be navigated. Aaaannnd it’s likely that these vacations were expensive. This is where we come in.
Your Home In Nature
Just for a moment, picture this: Somewhere, not too far from where you live now, there exists a beautiful cottage out in nature. It’s surrounded by deeply rooted trees, hiking trails, or maybe even a lake. It doesn’t require dedicating two days to travel. In fact, all you have to do is get in your car and drive just far enough away that the white noise of daily life fades into the buzzing of the living world.
When you arrive, you let yourself in. Everything is just as you’ve left it; everything is exactly to your taste. You set your bags down, open a bottle of wine, and for once in your life, you sit down.
There are no airports, no lines, and no crowds. There are no expectations, agendas, or reservations to contend with. Not only is it the most relaxing vacation you’ve ever had, but it’s also so much more attainable than your vacations of the past. Why? Because think about it: you own the hotel. In one decision- purchasing a Teacup Tiny Cottage- you’ve mitigated one of the most expensive parts of a traditional vacation. In fact, if you were to rent it out when you weren’t using it, you might even get paid to take time off!
Here at Teacup, we want your time off to be beautiful, and we revel in the opportunity to offer design options that feed the soul. So let us tell you about a couple of our favourites.
Our Favourite Tiny Cottages For Vacations
We know all that time spent indoors at the office can wear on the mind, and we want to provide you with a connection to nature that brings you back to what really matters. So if fresh air and natural daylight are just what you need to forget about deadlines and wifi passwords, then The Margo is for you.
The Margo
The Margo was designed to invite the romance of nature into the home. Large windows stream natural daylight into the cottage, and an overhead fan welcomes in the breeze. Are you a fan of dining alfresco? So are we, and in The Margo, it’s as easy as opening the window and choosing your seat at the live edge breakfast bar. Parfait, anyone?

Stay with us because the magic doesn’t stop with the kitchen! If you make your way to the bathroom, you will find that The Margo has the option to feature stunning bay windows. You can bathe in daylight or choose to gaze at the stars depending on what time of day you relax in the soaking tub. Fill it with salts, rose petals, or peonies- this is your house and your bath.

At Teacup, we are just like you: we want to relax, we just don’t want to hurry up and relax. We want you to say goodbye to packing massive suitcases and buying overpriced sundries. This is why we asked ourselves the following question: what if everything needed for a vacation was already there waiting for you?
The Safe Haven
If you’re the type of person who tends to pack the kitchen sink when you travel, we’d like to put your mind at ease. The Safe Haven is one of our most trusted models, and we have faith that it will offer you the security you desire.
The Safe Haven cottage is crowned with a massive beam, and the wood stove in the living room brings warmth direct from the elements. Our team knows that true relaxation means more than just clearing your schedule- it also means reassuring the nervous system that you will always have enough. This is why we’ve built The Safe Haven to provide you with both space and options.

This model can come equipped with both a microwave and a gas range to suit your cooking preference. Our double sink means that you will have more than enough space to do dishes- or maybe space to put the dishes you don’t want to do! And as for the storage options, well, those are nearly endless. In fact, let us tell you more about that.
The Safe Haven may offer a main floor bedroom or a larger living room. It also includes traditional cabinets for the things you want to hide, as well as a bit of open shelving for the things you want to display. And we’re not done! To the left of the range, you’ll find a roll-out pantry where you can keep all of your staples. Can you imagine a vacation that didn’t involve running to the store every two minutes? You deserve that, and we’ve done everything we can to make sure that’s the case.
Here at Teacup, we could talk about our design options all day long, but we know you have your day to get back to. Before we go, though, just envision one last thing with us.
You close this article on your computer, pack up your things, and leave the office. You know the next few hours will be hectic. Maybe there are errands to be run, or kids to be picked up, or a dinner that needs to be made. Maybe there is a dog that needs to be fed or a friend that needs attending to. This is your beautiful life and one that you succeed in running every single day. Now, though, something is different.
Look down at your keys. You see that gold one?
This weekend, your Teacup is waiting.
If you are ready to say yes to your ‘little piece of awesome,’ all you have to do is contact us. We’re standing by, and can’t wait to see you live your vacation magic!
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