Your Teacup Tiny House Holiday Guide
Dec 21, 2022
How to Enjoy Holidays in Small Spaces - Your Teacup Tiny House Holiday Guide
Just because you live in a tiny home doesn't mean you can't celebrate the holidays- what fun would that be?!
It will, however, be helpful to celebrate a bit differently. After all, an eight-foot Christmas tree could take over your small living room!
But while it will be easier to make certain adjustments, here is the good news: tiny home holiday celebrations are simpler to execute, feel more saturated, and involve half the cleanup!
So grab your reindeer antlers because we're about to dive into our tiny house holiday guide!
Consider the Guest List
If you browse our featured plans, you'll see that our Ellie tiny house sleeps six people. So if you want to have your cousins spend the night after the festivities, you can.
But if you didn't buy a tiny house to host a big group, no one will fault you for explaining that your tiny house is too small.
Just make sure you block off the lofts with a curtain.
And tell no one that the couch is a pullout.
You probably can't hide the downstairs bedroom, but just don't have that extra glass of wine and then decide to show off your murphy bed. If you do, all of your cousins + all of their friends will try to sleep over at your tiny house any chance they get.
Decorate with Vertical Decor
Did you know that you can create a vertical Christmas tree that hang against a wall? Here's an example: (Source: Unsplash)
Wall-hanging Christmas trees are pretty fabulous inventions, but they aren't the only way to vertically decorate your Teacup tiny home!
Menorahs can be set on floating shelves, and sconces and stockings can be hung just about anywhere without taking up space.
Window stickies, frosted snow spray, tinsel, and lights are other great tiny house decor options because they lie flush against walls.
Do you want to know our other tiny house decor secret? Use functional decor.
Decorate with Functional Decor
In a traditional home, it's easy to get away with things like holiday figurines and inflatable yard animals, but these things can be tricky when it comes to tiny house decor! (Tricky, but not impossible. If you do put a twenty-foot inflatable snowman next to your Teacup tiny home, we're begging you to send us a picture!)
But anyway, back to functional decor!
When designing a small space, it helps to utilize items that serve a practical purpose in addition to providing atmosphere.
For example, do you have a nice tin filled with holiday teas, cookies, or hot chocolate options? Maybe those tins could live on the counter this month.
Other functional decor options include:
- Placing a seasonal blanket on the couch.
- Using a holiday-themed door mat.
- Stocking the bathroom with pine-scented soap.
- Using holiday dishes.
- Replacing usual linens with holiday-themed versions
- Using candles and seasonally-appropriate essential oils in a diffuser
Honestly, the options are endless. All that's required is that the things you use to decorate serve the twin goals of purpose and joy.
What better way to celebrate the holidays in a tiny house?!
Simplify the Meal Plan
We don't know who needs to hear this, but no one in the tiny home community will judge you if you decide to go out to a restaurant instead of cooking in your tiny home. We promise.
And if Aunt Millie throws a fit and insists that cooking at home is tradition, gently remind her that all traditions were invented at some point. So maybe this year is a good time to make up a new one.
But if you love to cook at home, of course, you can do that in your small kitchen! Have you seen the counter space we included in our Bernice model??! (We were only saying that part about restaurants because the tiny house lifestyle is a guilt-free situation.)
So if cooking at home is the plan, enjoy! Here are a few ways to make it a simple holiday.
- Substitute ingredients you have for ones you don't. Try to avoid buying spices you won't use again for a year.
- Lean toward one-pot meals
- Consider charcuterie boards, cookie-sheet nachos, fondue, and other options that involve fewer dishes.
- Ditch the guilt if you buy the pie at Costco.
Ask Your Family for an Updated Version of Their Holiday Preferences
If your families are anything like ours, you have created about a billion holiday traditions over the years. Unfortunately, many of these holiday traditions are complicated or expensive and involve finding parking at the Mall or wearing really ugly sweaters.
But what if all we really want is a license to eat chocolates straight out of the box and stare at twinkly lights?
That's why our best tip is to ask your family for an updated version of their holiday celebration preferences.
Maybe gifts are important, or maybe it's an ice-skating adventure that really sets the mood. Maybe the holiday pageant is the best part, or maybe it's the part everyone would rather do without.
The tiny house lifestyle is all about intentional living, so this is your opportunity to redefine what brings you joy and curate the simple holiday of your dreams.
And there you have it! Those are our best tips for celebrating the holidays in a tiny house!
For those of you celebrating in a Teacup tiny home this year, please tag us in your pics on Instagram! Your stories stay with us long after we hand over the keys, and we love to see how you've taken our tiny home designs and added your flourishes to bring them to life!
If you haven't gone tiny yet, we'd love to help you utilize this season of transformation to take the next steps.
So here is a link to our financing quiz and the link to book a Discovery Call.
From all of us here at Teacup Tiny Homes, we wish you a happy holiday- and all the tiny house magic in the world.
We hope to meet you soon!
P.S. Ready for your Teacup, but don't have time to wait - check out our Amelia Showhome that has a completion date of February 2023!