Tiny Home RV
The Summer's Night Dream
The Summer's Night Dream
Based on our Featured Plan with a few custom additions to our client's request.
➤ This home typically ranges between $132,000 to $145,000 CAD for our clients depending on features & inclusions
➤ This plan is our highest, size, value and bang-for-your-buck out of all of our models.
➤ Main Floor Bedroom w/ 11 ft. vaulted ceilings
➤ Sleeps 4 comfortably (or + 1 on a day bed/ sofa)
➤ Sleek 3 Piece Bathroom w/ room for additional storage.
➤ Galley kitchen with ample counter-top space
➤ Perfect for a cottage or cabin retreat.
➤ GVWR approx. 12,000 lbs depending on specification and inclusions.
➤ Delivery available anywhere in North America

Jen from Teacup Tiny Homes was amazing to work with. She took the time to answer any questions or concerns I had through the whole process and after. Love the fact that they scheduled phone calls! No phone tag or inconvenience for any of the parties involved. In a market that has a somewhat grey area in terms of building standards/codes, I feel confident and safe with my quality CSA approved Teacup Tiny house!
- Andrea The Summer's Night Dream - Ontario, Canada
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